My Nonsenses Charging paintings the past two days have emerged with form! Usually, the colors alone in patches and washes satisfy my feelings for a color immersion. As I’ve been shifting my perspective of sharing HeartSingingWalk from secretively personal to universally integrated, I’m allowing sensory shape to become visible.
As I write this, especially those words “universally integrated”, I realize that this journey of consciousness is actually way bigger than my own life! What seems to me now to be a big transformation for me in my own life CAN go even beyond what I have been imagining, until now anyway. I have been fairly daunted with the vision of a tribe of a hundred embracing and integrating HeartSingingWalk in their lives. Suppose the true spirit of HeartSingingWalk is to reach even further than my community! How about thousands walking to Wild Wind and Senses Walk! Holy Moly! That knots my stomach!
What it also does is help me ease into the idea that there are a HUNDRED heartsingers energetically vibrating with HeartSingingWalk in its current phase of reality.
The tree form arises as a metaphor of my growing idea. From a rich and supportive root of personal and professional assistance in the fertile soil of Time the trunk of Forgivenesswalks rises upward. The tree’s trunk is formed by its sturdy principles of Spiritual and Human unity, Nourishment in Nature, Authentic personal expression as fulfillment of Higher Purpose, and others waiting for language.
These principles grow and branch upward as specific programs and products, delivered through a dichotomous array of community members, all connected as tree branches and growing organically.
The growth experienced by each member produces the leaves, those manifestations of the play of light and water.
That’s the Forgivenesswalks Tree!
I believe that any growing idea could be as a tree, even an imagined walk of the Appalachian Trail! That’s an interesting juxtaposition – turning that wonderful journey metaphor into a tree! Try it! Then, set a time to chat about it with me! I’d love to hear what’s arising from your Nonsensory play as your metaphor for a creation.
Talk with Regina!