Journey To Your Heartland Series: New Stories
- Do you have a Sabotage Story that’s kept you from living your dream?
- Are you ready to awaken to living your true calling but don’t know how?
- Do you feel alone on your path to fulfillment and want an experienced and compassionate guide?
Leave your old story behind and walk into your dreams with a new fresh story of adventure! Read more.
Take a Forgiveness Walk
It’s a guided walk that helps you
- Love yourself just the way you are
- Gently touch buried feelings from the past
- Let those feelings go – safely with loving support
- Feel lighter in your step
- Be open to a new perspective on an “Old Story”
- Have vibrant energy
- Have fulfilling relationships
- And more!
When you purchase a Forgiveness Walk, you schedule your walk with Regina Reiter, certified Radical Forgiveness Coach. Regina developed Forgiveness Walks to help courageous people, ready to get unstuck in their emotional lives really MOVE that stuck energy. Click here to learn more.