Completing Heartsinging Projects

I’m standing on Big Frog Mountain just north of the Georgia-Tennessee border, marveling at the crystal bright snow and shuddering in the cold. “Let’s get out of this wind!  I’m glad we didn’t camp up here last night.”

My hiking partner and I turn to go, heading southward on the Benton MacKaye Trail. My shoulders bent away from the wind. My heart swelled with joy. “I’m within reach of my goal to walk this 300-mile trail all the way through in all four seasons! That’s so wonderful!” read more

Observing Myself in Victimland

It’s scary to think that maybe in myself is contained some of the extreme disconnect that a violent person feels before going on a rampage, even one so heinous as killing someone. I want to deny that I could do something like that, but I have to admit that the feelings are right there. I’m feeling separate from everyone and I know it. Today, I am so entrenched in my story that if I were unstable, undernourished, or easily knocked off center, I could harm someone.  Most likely, I would hurt myself first. The truth is, that I AM hurting myself by maintaining my victim story. read more

My Radical Transformation Worksheet about the Sandy Hook Elementary School Killings

I just DID something about the killings in Connecticutt. Since Friday, when a young man went on a rampage and killed 27 people and himself, I have wondered what I can do about it.

Colin Tipping’s article puts into clear words an action that I can whole-heartedly take. In his email to his Radical Living Community, he encourages us to be open to raising our own vibration through a willingness to be open to the possibility that the situation has a Spiritual perfection in it, possibly for several reasons: read more

“Reflections on “Too much to do”

I am cocreating my future.

My waking mind is abuzz with possible activities for the day. I have the privelege of choice because I am blessed with the provision of my basic survival needs. I have shelter, food, love and affection, safety.

I have a blank canvas on which to paint my life. Will I see that as a blessing or a burden? Do I see a vibrant palette of universally beautiful colors or a murky quagmire of ugly obstacles? I get to choose. I can dance. I can slog.

Four More Years: The Journey Continues

Stand my ground and own my greatness 

Four years ago, I proclaimed, “I’m going to be prosperous hiking!”I had just finished walking 4,000 and some miles in the previous year. I believed in myself. I knew that I could do anything I wanted. Well, have I done that?Not completely. I have suggestions of what I want. I have vignettes of the Hiking Lifestyle I’ve fantasaized. I’ve written about that life.

I’m on the journey. Today, I curled up under the covers for a while hiding. Doubting. Questioning. My waking thoughts were ones of seeing

what has NOT been done. I carefully examined what has FAILED and FALLEN SHORT.

I allowed myself to generously list what I have accomplished in the last four years. Gosh! It sounds a lot like the presidential campaign! I was elected CEO of the unborn Forgiveness Walks at the same time that Barak Obama was elected to create a new way for America. Now, this is getting interesting! read more

Precious Items

Precious items

This week I have help decluttering my house.  It’s great having help, however, it takes a strong person to manage my resistance! Some items are hard to let go.

Here’s one:

A plain, simply functional box. For the uneducated eye it’s a pretty generic piece of furniture. But for me, it’s a metaphor of a happy phase of my life – homeschooling.

I used this cabinet to organize and store paintings.

I built it myself to fit perfectly in a closet.

Today, I’m letting it go. Marcia, my helper says, “I’m celebrating your release into a new future. You’ll have the artistic phase in your heart” read more

Angry with Political Nastiness?

Do a Worksheet!
That’s a Radical Forgiveness Worksheet.

Get one at

In about ten minutes you can feel lighter, less nasty, and miraculously peaceful and accepting of the person who upset you!

Are you willing to take action to shift the energy of politics? Would you rather maintain the blame and separation of vituperism by shooting off another finger-pointing comment? Or even worse, stay out of the discussion altogether?

Now, with the tools of Radical Forgiveness, we can raise our own consciousness and bring new possibilities to all sorts of relationships.  Politics is a good place to start. read more

Soul Time

To everything there is a season” seems apparent today. In a relationship, until it’s time for my beloved to really hear something in his heart, it won’t be heard. And yet, maybe when it’s heard is the perfect time because that’s when it’s heard.

In soul time there is no time but now

Unopened Gifts

I’m always stumped when I offer a gift to people I know and they don’t open it. My mind races with reasons they could have. A veritable whirlwind of thoughts spins around in that space I see in my mind’s eye as my head.
But, no matter how much I think about it, the truth is I don’t know their reason.
That’s the puzzle about marketing to me. Until there’s a conversation that’s a direct query about matching needs and desires with goods and services, I’m going to be guessing! That eases my anxiety a bit. It also makes marketing appear to be verrrry time consuming! read more