Stand my ground and own my greatness
I’m on the journey. Today, I curled up under the covers for a while hiding. Doubting. Questioning. My waking thoughts were ones of seeing
what has NOT been done. I carefully examined what has FAILED and FALLEN SHORT.
I allowed myself to generously list what I have accomplished in the last four years. Gosh! It sounds a lot like the presidential campaign! I was elected CEO of the unborn Forgiveness Walks at the same time that Barak Obama was elected to create a new way for America. Now, this is getting interesting!
Like me, he had a clear dream and a compromised system to implement his dream.
He’s done a lot to fulfill it. Tested some programs. Got some results. He still isn’t finished.
And the popular opinion is to give him four more years to stay the course.
So, what has the first term of CEO Regina yielded? Here’s a snapshot.
What I hav
Business c
cept and product/service idea that could work.
Knowledge of components of business
Beginnings of systems that suggest a business and need improvement to work effectively
Words that suggest deep and powerful transformation and have a small voice
Work habits that are sporadic and unfocused
Love of my method and practice
A handful of successful and happy past clients
A product in early testing that needs revision and effective delivery
Lack of technica
What’s more, I have a vision for what this company can be. It’s way bigger than what is evident now. Fulfilling it may use up my life, but it would be worth it.l skill to do what’s next
Resistance to borrowing more funds for next steps
Funding for my personal life, a house I own, people who love me and believe in me
Plenty of teachers, coaches, and content resources both free and paid.
A list of 300+ people who signed up over the past four years.
580 some Facebook Friends who often” Like” my photos and a few who even found me!
Someone who looking for a mentor for hiking the AT.
So, I choose to continue this journey, take up the challenge and keep walking.
What’s YOUR journey?
Please comment below.