July Walks: Happy Birthday to Me!

July 13, 2024

I’m starting my next decade in life! Today, I turned 70 years old. I’m so happy and grateful that I get to be on a trail on my birthday. It’s not the Appalachian Trail or a long distance trail, but I’ve discovered that the trail I walked on with my dad and my mom when I was a kid is actually a pretty good facsimile of The Appalachian Trail.

So, I’m here just north of Dayton Ohio. and this trail is the next best thing to being on the Appalachian Trail. I am trying out my new backpack because I will go back to the AT!  For now, though, I am here in Ohio, helping to take care of my mom by visiting her in her assisted living home and taking her out for walks.

On this 70th birthday, I am very grateful for having a body that works great and the financial means to keep walking. Out of that abundance, I feel a calling to contribute something to the world, or at least to the people I meet.  What arises in my soul is to expand on what has consistently characterized my  activity for my entire life!

What I feel called to  contribute to the world in my next decade is the practice of connecting with nature and Spirit as a vibrant column of rainbow energy. I feel called to diligently and purposefully entice others to come outside and experience this more than ever before!

One way for fulfilling this purpose that I am excited about  has been bubbling up as ForgivenessWalks through which I coach women to create their fulfilling walks, not just athletic, mile-busting walks, but ones that really make our hearts sing! If you are one of those courageous women,  I hope you come join me this year.  We can meet in person, or just as well over the phone!

Welcome to my new decade!



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