Here’s my action step from today’s call: I will consider my calender for the next six months, or maybe even the next one month, and design a single focus with specific times that Forgivenesswalks can operate, ala Laura West and her Passion Project. I can plan that out with my partner and do it. Not a dramatically new idea, I know, but timely for me once again. Steps: 1.Map out times on the calendar that ForgivenessWalks will be open; 2. Do a BrainDump of project possibilities; 3. Do a “survey” of my community on which project THEY like best; 4. Choose 5. Implement. Comments/Suggestions? Interesting as I write this out, it evokes my own guide for a fulfilling walk – Five Surprising Essentials (Know your Trail, Consider your Timing, Love your Gear, Have Support, Use reliable Energy-Shifting Tools). Time for a blogpost, eh?