
June 17, 2019

Birthdays always help me review the blessings of being a mom. That’s a perfect time for reflection on what my vision for my son was. While pregnant, I created daily meditations with a music track called “Magical Journey” or some similar title. I can instantly recall the melody if not the correct name. I filled my belly with light and imagined my baby as a peacemaker. I knew my child would be my guide in becoming a generous, compassionate, and courageous person. I was certainly right about that! Here’s a quick list of the ways that showed up:

  • Courage to have a home birth, and not vaccinate
  • Generosity to breastfeed my baby for a long time
  • Compassion to let go of my food addictions and control issues and allow him the freedom to explore his own nourishment.
  • Courage to evaluate, to explore, and to educate myself about schooling and make choices I could implement conscientiously.
  • Generosity to provide a space for friends to play, time to ride bikes, tools and resources to create.
  • Compassion to admit my shortcomings and possible errors in creating a learning environment that fostered his most authentic and fulfilling expression in life.

I am touched when my son recalls songs that I brought him that he wants to share with his family. And when he takes loving care of his own son. Mothering an adult son brings fulfillment of my pregnancy vision – my peacemaker thrives in his light!

Thirty-seven years of being a mom has been a fulfilling journey in countless ways!

Celebrate Dave at 37! Thirty-seven years of mothering with gratitude for getting to be Dave’s mom!




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