Walking is My Bliss

I love to walk in the mountains of Virginia on the Appalachian Trail. It matters not up or down. When walking in these mountains, I feel whole. I feel blessed. I feel abundant. I feel purposeful

When walking in these mountains, I feel physically, mentally, and emotionally true to myself. I’m not thinking of other things I would rather be doing.

This is my definition of authentic self expression. This would be my life purpose, my calling.

I have come to believe, acknowledge, and now act upon walking as my God-given vocation, acting as if this is not just my preference but my natural occupation whose fulfillment is designed by God. My job is to surrender to my vocations’s expression, trusting that how I am to manifest this expression in a prosperous way will be communicated by God as I continue my walking. read more

A Radical Moment

I’m in the self-checkout area in Wal-mart. A little girl is screaming. Her mom is livid while feverishly punching buttons, pulling out cash.
Twenty bystanders are holding their breath.
At that moment I shift that world of breathless bystanding, thinking, “I matter. I believe in fulfillment of love in each moment.”

You see, the night before I had let go of the belief, “I don’t matter”, in a Satori game. In addition, all week I  had been distilling my “why” to a fundamental belief in “fulfillment”. Could I act on that right now, in this moment, with these people? In this place? read more

Why I Want to Stay Alive

My brother chose to leave this physical life a few months ago or so it appears. I honor him and accept his choice. Although I don’t know his reasons or what he was trying to leave, it inspires me to discern my own journey through frustration in a miserable marriage.

There I was, feeling trapped in a relationship fraught with criticism, dispassion, emotional abuse, betrayal, loneliness, and boredom. I blamed myself for choosing it. Had I not created it all myself out of my own self-hatred, as I was learning in my Radical Forgiveness training? read more

Satori and New Friends

Satori, the Radical Forgiveness board game, keeps fulfilling me – and surprising me too! Yesterday I played with a friend I’ve met while doing my Ridgerunning job on the Appalachian Trail for the past four summers. We finally got a chance to play! What impressed me this time was how compatible the game is to people of all faiths and expressions of the Divine. Even though her words to describe the Divine Power, forgiveness, and the balance of right and wrong are different than those in the game, she could see that Radical Forgiveness is a universal tool and language for something we can all use, no matter what we believe!
Thanks, Rachael!
Play Satori soon! https://www.forgivenesswalks.com/satori read more

Nomadic Partner

Among the many questions in my new nomadic life is this one: Do I remain solo?
Ironically, what motivated my wusband to go through with divorce was my partnering with another man in my hikes. Now that I am legally single, however, partnering seems daunting.

In choosing a life partner, there’s potential sharing of big items like a car, a house, phone service,  even bank accounts.
When I married at twenty-five, with a small bank account, no home, no job, and a low-valued car, it was easy to join up with my lover and move into the house he bought and start working on it. We stepped right into those traditional roles of breadwinner and homemaker without thought of financial parity. In the divorce, he would have gladly sent away with the same dependent amount, except that even he had to agree that there was monetary value in my 30 years of childrearing, home remodeling, food prep, and landscaping. read more

Business or Ministry or???

How I structure this “project” of creating a wave of radical forgiveness along the Appalachian Trail corridor is a question I’ve been turning over and over.

Do I give away my services as a coach, freely sharing the energy-shifting tools,  seats at Satori games, places in Circle Ceremonies, trip planning articles and calls, speaking engagements, food preparation lessons, tarp-making instructions? I could ask for donations, or simply rely on the good graces of my benefactors or on The Universe to provide my needs. read more

Reveling in an Experience

I would rather experience something than read or write about it. Describing something that I just did seems to diminish the energy buzz I feel as an activity I enjoyed ends. Maybe that’s why I’m not much of an adventure journal writer. After a  full day’s hike, I want to lie in my sleeping bag and keep feeling the energy coursing in my body. The events and timeline of the day flow together in a tapestry of sensory delights. Reducing them to words seems trite and almost irreverent.
Maybe tomorrow I’ll tell you about it- about walking with 10 other Nature explorers using all of our senses as darkness crept over us and the colors turned to grey.
For now, though, I choose to rest and integrate the tingling thrills of awakening my senses in a physical conversation without words. read more

The Fantasy

Just suppose that in one month- or just a little bit more- I  have an automated online product that generates my ideal amount.
I’ll start right off with feeling how wonderful it feels to click open the pages that describe it. Pride and joy surge through my body. Connection with my collaborators and technicians reverberates with the smile on my face.
Gratitude for the customers who came through with purchases swells my heart. I am willing to receive.
The simple webpage is beautiful and functional.
The mobile theme really works!
The mobile membership plugin is awesome. Simple really is best!
My tribe responded with amazing clarity and useful feedback. I delivered what they requested/what they want.
All is well.
I am blessed.
I am helpful and purposeful.
I give and receive in joy and value to inspire and generate healthy self-love that multiplies and develops into generous self expression and sharing for my customers.
This is the true spirit of my work and I’m so glad to be doing my real job! read more

Satori Dreams


I played Satori, the Radical Forgiveness board game today. This game brought up for healing and release my fear of being out in the world with my dream of enticing others to connect with Nature and with our true nature of being spiritual beings having a human experience.

All of the beliefs and blocks that I chose lead me to really feel that I keep myself hidden in self doubt and afraid to express my passion for my God-given vocation.

In the game, I was inspired to radically forgive my “wasband” (isn’t that a more loving word than “ex-husband”?) AND to love myself feeling jealous of another coach. read more