Deadline or Fruition?

February 5, 2018

“Today is the day we could celebrate making a glorious choice and having a blessingway for our summer adventure,” I said when the waking music played this morning. It is the day John heard that our Ridgerunning boss wants to know if I want the 19-week job (with John subbing for me for three weeks while I babysit my grandson.)

“But, we haven’t done that, have we?” He replied.

A full conversation ensued, which thrilled me as a sign of progress in our communication! We even talked about money, and he stayed in the conversation, and we even concluded with words instead of stormy silence. Yay!

The beliefs I notice I have about this situation are:

  • If I give up Ridgerunning I can’t go back to it.
  • I have to be earning money this summer to support myself and to feel honorable.
  • I am doubtful that I can run Forgivenesswalks profitably.
  • I doubt that John really wants to work in Forgivenesswalks.
  • Ridgerunning is a sure thing, taking the least effort to learn new things, and it’s the best financial choice.

Stepping back, I can acknowledge that none of those are facts. I can see a use for Byron Katie’s four questions about the statements being true and what turnaround could make them even more ripe with possibility or for a good session of “What if?”

I’ll report back!

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