July 17,2024
This morning’s walk started with reminding myself to use my own practice of awakening my senses and turned into a creative session of expanding my personal power in my outdoor office on the trail!
I was contentedly awakening my sense of smell, scratching and sniffing twigs, picking up handfuls of soil, bruising and sniffing leaves (“Sure am glad I can identify local plants and can teach others how to do that,” I thought!).
My phone pinged and I noticed that I had received a voice message from a colleague in London about the Satori board game that we both facilitate. Our conversation inspired me to peck out an email to the staff at the Institute for Radical Forgiveness in Johannesburg, South Africa. I kept walking on the bike path, grateful for the technology to blend walk with “work”.
My birthday declaration to be open to sharing with confidence has now been answered by Spirit! No more questions about what there is for me to do!
I checked the time. Gotta get ready for my phone call with my new Clearing My Path client! Here I go!