Yes! It’s a Miracle

Thanks for your affirmation! I thought so too!

What makes these small events miracles?!!

These might seem like insignificant events to most people, hardly worth shouting about, but for shy and unworthy-feeling people like me, these are significant. In saying, “significant”, I put emphasis on the word “SIGN” at the root. These tiny miracles are signs that I’m living out of a New Story because I am experiencing myself and others differently than before.

In my New Story, I believe that I have value to share, that I am respected, that I am patient and organized. When I believe I possess those qualities and love that about myself, then I ACT that way. When I act that way, the people around me respond with respect and cooperation. It seems so simple, and yet miraculous because it’s so different from my past experience!

In the past, I felt separate and unimportant. Others were always the organizers. I was in the background. If I contributed a dish, it would be shunned with comments like, “Eww. What’s this?!!”  And my work as a Radical Forgiveness Coach?  Too weird and too expensive!

What’s really wonderful about having miracles like this in my life is that I can attribute having a New Story to something I DID!

I used the tools of Radical Forgiveness.

13 Steps
Radical Forgiveness Worksheets
Self-Forgiveness Worksheets
Satori Games

I’m a very practical person and need something to DO, not just a theory or explanation. That’s what I love about Colin Tipping’s Radical Forgiveness lifestyle.

It’s practical

It’s easy

It’s simple

It gets visible results too!!

 I’m sharing one of these powerhouse tools with you for FREE until the end of 2013. See what miracles are in store for YOU.

Click this link and get a free copy of The 13 Steps to Radical Forgiveness to test out for yourself. This process was written by Colin Tipping, the author of Radical Forgiveness. I’m sharing it in my voice with his permission and encouragement to create a world of Forgiveness and Love ASAP!

The Thirteen Steps to Radical Forgiveness

One Reply to “Yes! It’s a Miracle”

  1. Hi Regina,

    Through our mutual participation in Marnie’s “Create a Wow” program, and through reading your subsequent writings over the past 10 months, I have come to experience you as you, the you you say you are just now stepping into. I had no idea about the disconnection.

    So to me the miracle is the miracle of connection, or with you, reconnection. It is beautiful. You are beautiful.

    Sent with love and best wishes for great walks in 2014. Neill

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