
May 23, 2017

A stab at speaking about filfillment.

​”What is it that you want, in your heart, to be doing?  My guess, and my experience, is that when I wrote out every day what I imagined I’d be doing and feeling that made my heart sing and then started doing that, telling others about it, and looking for it, many things around me shifted. Mostly, though, I realized that it was mostly the inner journey, cultivating authentic gratitude and service, that made me available for a job to appear. I believe that it is I who brings fulfillment to whatever I’m doing rather than an occupation being the source of fulfillment. For me, doing what I want for a living, did require letting go of a lot! I don’t pretend to know about your inner journey, just sharing about my own. I see you as someone who could light the world with doing what you truly want to do, and I don’t even know what that is!”

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