I’m deeply excited that you’ll be joining me on this unique and rewarding journey! I can’t wait to witness the shifts in energy, the realizations, the ahh-hahs, and even the miracles that happen as you love yourself just as you are and explore YOUR STORY like never before!
We’ll be starting the course shortly, but until then, there are some things you can do to clear your path in preparation for our journey together.
- Mark your calendar for our phone conversations!
Tuesdays in November, 2018
7 p.m. Eastern Time
- Read Jill’s Story
and while you’re here, go ahead and pick up your own copy of the book, Radical Forgiveness.
It’s not required reading, but it’s the expert text that I’m using for this course and the source of the tools I’ll be teaching you! Besides, it’s an easy read with tons of supplemental information! - Listen to the song, Real!
by Karen Taylor Good
- Start Noticing YOUR Stories
Simply observe yourself and notice when you feel a “charge” – you tense up, or feel a rush of emotion, or even feel a sudden urge to fight or run. You might want to start a journal and gently, and without judgment or needing to change anything, take notes on what’s happening- JUST THE FACTS! Then, notice what feelings and thoughts come up too and write them down. - Get in touch!
Don’t be surprised if feelings come up and it’s kinda scary at first! Take a walk, take a bath, let the feelings come up, and the tears flow if they want to. It’s o.k. Email me at regina@forgivenesswalks.com and let me know what’s coming up. I’ll be there to witness and validate your story.
Note that I am a certified Radical Forgiveness Coach, which qualifies me to teach the tools of
Radical Forgiveness, an educational program. If you need a therapist or psychologist, please seek professional assistance.
I’ll be in touch by email during the week before our Journey with the call-in numbers and more bonuses. Remember, there’s NOTHING you need to change now or during this course! You are PERFECT just the way you are and the way you have been and the way you will be!
NOW! There’s just one more thing before you go. Please click on the TRAIL photo below to add your contact info to the class roster so you’re sure to get all the course updates and mid-week boosters!
Or use this link: http://eepurl.com/LBoCz
In joy,
Tuesdays in November, 2018
7 p.m. Eastern Time
- http://eepurl.com/LBoCz