Sharing from the Heart Continued

What would I share more of if I’m “COMING FROM THE HEART” without worrying if I’m being judged or if I’ll make money at it? Here are some activities I’ll CHOOSE to share more starting today:

  • Stories about walking the Benton MacKaye Trail
  • Satori Games. Playing has been on sabbatical
  • Walks open to others
  • Thirteen Steps to Radical Forgiveness calls

What’s in my way is worrying that I can’t schedule them while I’m out on the trail because I can’t guarantee connectivity. Well, here’s a possibility:  What if the calls happened anyway even if I weren’t there?!!!!!

Here’s to sharing “carelessly”! read more

Soul Time

To everything there is a season” seems apparent today. In a relationship, until it’s time for my beloved to really hear something in his heart, it won’t be heard. And yet, maybe when it’s heard is the perfect time because that’s when it’s heard.

In soul time there is no time but now