
As our journey begins, here’s a blessing I’m singing, thanks to my friend, Sara and generations before her!

“May troubles be less and blessings be more
May nothing but happiness come to your door
And may you have luck wherever you go
And blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow.

May winds be at your back and sun be overhead
May friends be at your side wherever you are led”.

Walk with blessings
Winds at your back, Sun overhead

Sharing from the Heart Continued

What would I share more of if I’m “COMING FROM THE HEART” without worrying if I’m being judged or if I’ll make money at it? Here are some activities I’ll CHOOSE to share more starting today:

  • Stories about walking the Benton MacKaye Trail
  • Satori Games. Playing has been on sabbatical
  • Walks open to others
  • Thirteen Steps to Radical Forgiveness calls

What’s in my way is worrying that I can’t schedule them while I’m out on the trail because I can’t guarantee connectivity. Well, here’s a possibility:  What if the calls happened anyway even if I weren’t there?!!!!!

Here’s to sharing “carelessly”! read more

Benton MacKaye Trail Winter Thru-Hike Slide Show!

Regina, founder of Forgiveness Walks, completed the 300-mile Benton MacKaye Trail during a walk in January, 2013. Follow her journey, photographed by John Lemberg in slides and music.

Please comment below!

Take your own journey!
Walk into YOUR dream!
Let Regina and Forgiveness Walks inspire, train, and coach you to love yourself and your life just as you are, opening the gateway to shifting old beliefs and stories. As you do, vibrant energy, fulfilling relationships, and freedom from your past will fill your life. read more

Just Keep Walking

Just Keep Walking

By Regina

Walking balances me.  Walking energizes me.

Walking calms me.  Walking centers me.

Walking clears my mind of busy-ness.

Walking grounds me.

Walking strengthens me.

Walking renews my connection with Spirit

and opens me to the unlimited creative source of the Universe.

I am blessed by walking, in walking, through walking.


And so I walk.


I walk.


I walk.