“How to Reconnect with your Loved Ones
- Are you feeling disconnected from your own son or daughter?
- Do you stick with “safe” topics with your family members?
- Are you separated from your grandchildren because of the disconnect?
- Do you want to reconnect but you don’t know HOW?
I’m Regina Reiter and ……….
I know what you’re going through. For years, I was disconnected from my parents and my nine siblings. It was all very civil, but I never reached out to be close to them, except for my oldest sister. I was convinced that I didn’t matter and that no one wanted to hear my opinion, so I just isolated myself and my own three children! Once, I tried to see how long I could go without speaking to my mother. I made it about 9 months before she called me!
It was my oldest sister, Claudia, who helped me reconnect, starting with reconnecting with myself by using some very practical tools that give me something to DO when I’m feeling isolated and invisible.
A year ago, our youngest brother ended his own life, trapped in an emotionally abusive marriage which no one in the family knew was so bad! I had not talked with him in years, believing that he was not interested in relating with me. I was so wrong, but now it’s too late! But, now I am motivated to learn from this loss to break through my own shyness and shame and reconnect with my siblings, my mother, my own children, and YOU! I want YOU to learn how to reconnect. I’m here today to guide YOU to reconnecting with your loved ones! These are the problems I see disconnected mothers and adult children experience
- They have a “story” that keeps them separate
- They blame each other for the disconnect and separation. There’s a lot of emotion that could explode if they spend time together, resulting in a fear of confrontation or of even talking together
- Mothers feel forsaken or resentful, especially because being separate from their adult child keeps them from seeing their grandchildren
- They want to reconnect but they don’t know HOW.
This is why I’ve developed my online course
“Journey to YOUR HeartLand: Reconnecting With Your Adult Children”
When you participate in this exclusive training you’ll receive…
- Supportive Witness and Validation for your “Story”
- Easy Non-Confrontational Tools to Break Free from Resentments, Anger, Blame, Shame, Fear, and more
- Support and Guidance for your Journey
- Lighthearted Songs and Walks for Gentle Transformation
Here’s how the Journey will unfold:
- Three one-hour live webinars, recorded in case you miss one
- A BONUS webinar for follow up and practice
- Small group to assure personal attention
- Practical tools and exercises to use in your daily life
- Closed Facebook Group optional for sharing and confidential support
- Email correspondence with Regina, if preferred for privacy
Next LIVE! Session Begins on Friday,November 7, 2014
Noon Eastern Time
(11 a.m. Central, 10 a.m. Mountain, 9 a.m. Pacific)
This Might Be For You If…
- You’re feeling disconnected from your own daughter or son.
- You’re afraid to confront her or maybe even talk with him.
- You’re separated from your grandchildren because of the disconnect.
- You want to reconnect but you don’t know HOW .
What People Say:
“I am Regina’s sister. I think that a testimonial from a sister holds a lot of weight because I’m just learning to be open with my biological family. I find that every time I call her when I’m unhappy about something, that she is more and more skillful each time. I am feeling more and more safe and confident that I won’t be judged. When we talk now, our sister history is totally put aside and she is present, skillful, and compassionate, and that’s what I’m really yearning for when I’m suffering. She’s transforming a competitive sister relationship into a very compassionate, skillful and reliable one and I’m so grateful.” Claudia Bernard
“I had feelings bottled up inside that I thought I had dealt with already. The walk with Regina allowed them to come out.The 13 steps tool helped me realize how to accept them and not judge them and to be able to keep that in mind as I continue to work on these feelings. In the long run, I have the tools to continue to grow and really forgive myself in the end. ” Evelyn Chiu Owner, Yogo Ono
Start YOUR Journey of Reconnection TODAY!
Next LIVE! Session Begins on Friday, November 7, 2014
Journey to YOUR HeartLand: Reconnecting With Your Adult Children
Regular Tuition: $147
Special “Reconnect NOW” Tuition
Only $97 through November 6, 2014