
Do you make plans, then have backup plans, or fallback plans, none of which seem like what you REALLY want to be doing? The source of the plans are from a list of thinhs I already know are possible because they are already being done, either by me or someone else. I lived like that for decades. I was really good at accommodating, always making the best of my life, willing myself to be content with the life I knew was possible. I believed that what I really wanted, the intimate partnership I desired, the lifestyle and purpose I saw others living that enticed me, were unavailable to me. I resigned myself to accepting what I had, acknowledging that it was the best that I COULD have.

Walking from Maine to Georgia on the Appalachian Trail opened up a door to a new perspective. I experienced myself feeling fulfilled, being with someone who shared my passion, seeing myself physically and emotionally purposeful. Why not continue living that way?

I’ve been doing my best living i to that since then.

Clarifying what makes my heart sing and doing THAT, even in small ways has helped me choose from among various plans. In addition, surprising opportunities, even better than any of the plans I had, have appeared. I’m learning to go with the heartsinging.

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