Passion Project Exploration

September 9, 2017

I’m joining Laura West of The Institute for Joyful Business for a 30-Day Passion Project! 

Today, I got the gift of a creative retreat day from Irma. I came home a couple of days early from my family visit in Charleston, SC. I’m exploring my ideas for passion projects. Inspired by Laura’s worksheets and using my own regular practice of painting through a chakra balancing meditation as a base for brainstorming, I’ve taken two steps forward: 1) Noted desires/growth in each chakra area with project ideas and 2)Elaborated on the outcomes, benefits, challenges, and areas of transformation I see for each project. Here are the worksheets:

Next step is to evaluate each project and energetically choose ONE! I’ll keep you posted! The project launch is Monday, September 11. Hmm. Interesting date for starting something.

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