Maine Ideas: Beginning

A new journey begins with …….
Not the usual view, I know. Before I could start adventuring anew on the Appalachian Trail, I had to sort my stuff! First, I left things in my Virginia storage unit. These are things from my past life as a homemaker that I must keep. Someday I will use them again or let them go.

Blue tote boxes stached three high
All my stuff stored in totes while I hike for three weeks!

Next, I borrowed totes from my sister and space from my mom in Ohio to store things I don’t need for hiking, but want for my NEXT journey in California.

Feelings of sadness, fear, and frustration arise. What if I NEED this? Like my computer? Feelings of gratitude that I have Mom and Simon, my son, to back me up with support.

I consider the New Stories I’ve picked in Satori games: Life’s so easy now. I’m off to the Beach! (Well, trail!) OR When I show up as ME everyone loves me.

I can do this! And go for a walk…….

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