The journey that I’m on now has a name – Journey to the HeartLand – for its significance in my life. I thought that this one would be different than other trail walks I have done. Wouldn’t an off-trail journey be different than a month on the Benton MacKaye Trail or on the Appalachian Trail?
What I’m discovering is that this journey has the same essentials for success as a walk on a physical trail.
- Know the trail – I’ve got the road map for our class topics
- Consider the timing – Well, 7 a.m. might be a little early for some participants!
- Love my gear – I’ve had technology challenges that I’m stepping through one at a time.
- Have support – Thanks to my friends who are sharing their home, my partner, my sister, and the participants themselves for their understanding and flexibility while we get our journey underway.
- Have tools for shifting emotional energy – Well, that’s what this journey is all about! What I’m teaching in this course are the exact tools I’m using to navigate the journey myself! Perfect!
During our first week, we’ve been looking at our “Stories”. Stories are those emotion-laden, repeating patterns that seem to happen over and over again in our lives. They usually have a consistent disempowering “story line”. In addition, our biggest Stories are ones we have been playing out unconsciously – until now! Now, we’re awake to their insidious repetition and we’re tired of their presence. We want to get rid of them, but don’t know how!!!
That’s what Journey to YOUR HeartLand is all about! We’re taking a loving and safe look at these stories and walking step-by-step into a New Story of vibrance, creativity, and fulfillment.
Here’s what journeyers are saying:
“Please find attached a brief summary of my story. Thank you for what you do!”
“Hello and thank you for responding to “my story”. I have rewritten it and feel a lot better. Thank you for the suggestions you made and I believe this journey is for me!”
“You make me smile! I just love you and don’t even know you!”
We’re only missing YOU! You can jump in now and get the same results. It’s just like a walk on the Appalachian Trail. You can start anywhere on the path and be filled up with the wonders of that iconic trail! “Hike your own hike” is a perfect saying for a journey to your heart as well as a trail walk.
Get the details here:
Journey to YOUR HeartLand: STORIES
What’s calling me to this journey is the chance for sharing my heart so much with you that all the self love, the claiming of my passion, the letting go of unnecessary things, relationships, and ways of being that it has taken to invent my life of adventure rubs off on you. It’s easy to go on walks myself or with my beloved hiking partner!
But, what I really want to do is entice you to look at your own limiting stories and love yourself in those stories enough to choose whether you want them or not. I want to be with you when you bravely touch into the buried feelings and let the tears flow to wash away that stuck energy. I want to walk with you as you step through the gateway of willingness to see that this might be happening for a higher purpose.
So you can feel the lightness, the joy, the inner glow, the rush of magic and miracles all around you that come from telling your story, feeling the feelings, switching off the energy flow to those old stories, noticing a new story, and integrating that into your body.
Why is that important?
Because then you can claim your own vibrant dream, your own fulfilling relationship, your own passionate purpose. And that’s what I really want for you! And I believe I can guide you on that journey!
Here are the details of the journey:
Journey to YOUR HeartLand: STORIES
Not sure this is for you?
Do you recognize any of these stories in your life?
I don’t want to rehash the past or go deep into my feelings, just enjoy myself.
I’m overweight and not attractive.
Intimacy is hard for me.
I don’t like myself when I’m mean and angry. I shouldn’t be that way!
I feel lost in my life and nothing seems to be working.
My family doesn’t love me.
I yearn for more, yet force the taste out of my mouth in resignation and fear.
I feel uncomfortable in my own skin and don’t know how to cultivate true love for me.
I am surviving, but I want to thrive, yet I’m at a standstill, living half-heartedly.
I’ve birthed a baby and that was a most magical thing. Now, if I could only birth my own life!
I’m convincing myself to stay in a desolate relationship because I don’t know any other way and I surely don’t want to be alone!
At this stage of my life I just don’t want to change things!
In Journey to YOUR HeartLand: STORIES
We’ll take a look,
with ease and grace and lots of compassion,
at how those stories play out in your life. Not to say they’re wrong or you’re wrong, or you’ve screwed up to have them.
No! We’ll look at them to acknowledge that we all have a story that gives us the chance to feel separate from our fulfillment, just because that’s what we humans do!
Then using some really simple tools that are actually fun to use, we’ll play around with New Stories that we might actually like better and try them out and see what happens!
Chances are, you’ll feel lighter and happier and more creative with your New Stories, which is why I love
In joy,
Here’s to you and YOUR Journey!
Drop me a line and tell me about it today!