
I lovingly embrace ALL my life experiences with ease and joy.

Even the scary ones! Even the ones that invite me to allow one certain man to love me and know what I ‘m thinking and  feeling. Even the ones that mean sharing, sharing, sharing (oh my! this is so hard for me and I don’t know why, oh wait, I do know why, it’s because I might make a mistake and someone could be uncomfortable and judge me for being greedy when really they’re seeing themsleves in me because they want to be brave and share what Spirit sings in them…….)

Today, I take into NonSenses Immersion My Brave Heart, bathing it in the green emerald light of Love, Trust, Opening, Receiving, Giving, Sharing, Grieving.



Interesting! Green, shimmering and full, could only arise OUT of yellow’s nourishing light and blue’s expressive light. My lesson in that is that my sharing may arise out of my nourished and authentically expressed energies. Love stands not alone.

Green also begged for the full spectrum of colors to stand with it. Love attracts wholeness, fulfillment, company!

Opening to Spirit, opens me to YOU!
Let’s chat! How does heart energy arise and flow for you?

Lets Talk Heart!

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