Handy Tools

­September 20, 2017

I am grateful every day for having the tools of Radical Forgiveness! They come in handy quite often on my journey.

Let me tell you about today’s use. It’s really “just a little thing”, but shows how my new Radical Forgiveness lifestyle helps me have what’s promised in the promotions for Radical Forgiveness – more energy, better relationships, and freedom from my past.

I wrote a comment on another hiker’s post, referring to my practice of looking for the Inner Journey view of things that happen, rather than focusing on the circumstances, the venue, and the perpetrator as something to try to avoid in the future. To my surprise, an icon appeared signalling that the comment had failed to post! That’s never happened before!

So, I sent my comment to her privately. She responded – and started a conversation! To my continued surprise, she asked me about Radical Forgiveness! It’s always so unsettling for me when someone actually wants to know! You see, MY old story is that “what I do is too weird and different and nobody wants to do it”. I see that I make that true by being unprepared to talk about it easily.

I remembered to USE THE TOOLS and right then and there in a message wrote out The Four Steps to Radical Forgiveness! Here’s my work:

“Thanks to you, Mindy, for giving ME an Inner Journey moment! I want to be doing this Inner Journey coaching more and more, meeting people where they are and spontaneously doing energy-shifting work! Just now, I wanted to say, “Oh, I can’t chat right now, but I have these articles to share if you want something now…” but alas, my posts are not organized for that. In the past, I would have beat myself up about that, feeling unworthy and guilty. But, with the tools of Radical Forgiveness, I can quickly take these four steps toward peace:

1Tell the story – I couldn’t send Mindy something.

2 Notice my Judgements and love myself for having them: “I’m not good enough. I’m a hypocrite, She won’t like me”

3 Love myself how I am and be open to a new perspective: ” How great to connect with Mindy! I have something to share! Yay. I have so many posts about this! It’s ok to be where a I am now.”

4 I choose peace “Time is in our side and we ARE One. I am grateful for this moment.”

“That is me using one of the tools for Radical Forgiveness in this moment about your reflection of something for me in my Inner Journey. The Four Steps to Radical Forgiveness. Maybe this is useful, and yes, I will offer chat times – this is a week of transition.”
There you have it!

And, the results? I must have results, right?!!

Shortly after I wrote this, I got an opening in what I thought was my need to rush out to do my next project. Well, circumstances changed, and I actually had plenty of time to think about my next few days’ timing and share some chat times with her.

And….I felt peace….and connection….and ease…..and authentic……and really comfortable with how I had shared with her.

In joy,


P.S. This week, I am in Ohio visiting my mom and son AND clearing out stuff stored in its new place at my son, Simon’s house. It’s very touching visiting him because he’s using quite a few of my household items I don’t need in my nomadic life. “This is my stuff!” I keep saying.

Next week, probably between October 2 -9th bub, I’ll be visiting my grandson (and his parents) in Atlanta. Let me know if you want to play Satori, walk, or talk about hiking!

And…I got my comments fixed by someone I hired to maintain my website! Neil Matthews at WPDude.com

So, please comment!


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