Gratitude Celebration 38: You Can Do This

“You can do this. It’s not that hard to install a window.”

I’m grateful, today, that Larry Niemiec opened that window in my life! He was right too, as Larry generally is about construction because that’s his mastery. In fact, he managed the construction one of the skyscrapers in Atlanta, Georgia! What a blessing it was for me to have his friendship when my new husband and I had moved in to an old house.

We thought it would only need touching up and redecorating. We were wrong about that! When we scraped the wallpaper off the dining room wall, the plaster fell off with it. Once the plaster was off, Larry, and other “rehabbers” in Covington, KY, advised us to remove the wooden lath as well. With the lath removed, it was logical to install insulation. And with the walls reduced to studs, it made sense to relocate and update the windows…… and move walls for better traffic flow………….. and rewire the house……………… and update the plumbing.

It was like that poem “this is the house that Jack built”. One thing led to another! When we sold it when John got a better job in Washington, D.C. that little house up on a hill on Garrard Street had been practically rebuilt, one layer at a time. We did a lot of it by ourselves through consultations with Larry!

And it all started with the kitchen window. “You can do this. I’ll talk you through it.”

I’ve visited the house a few times since the sub-zero day we drove away to Arlington, VA. The water was off because it had frozen at the meter.  On my visits, I’ve smiled at the improvement our work brought to the neighborhood. The sunny yellow house beams down from the hilltop and reminds me that I can do it! when it comes to house remodeling! Larry Niemiec played a big part in that.


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