

June 2, 2016
Today, there were two completions. One was completing our gear packing! All ready to go! That’s completing our journey from our winter season to this hiking season.
The second was completing ridgerunning. Technically, I did that last July, or maybe in January when I declared my intention to do something else. Today’s meeting with the new ridgerunner really FELT like I have moved on from that six-year phase. I am actually happy to be away from the ridgerunning issues! Creating programs, hiking, and visiting my grandson are more appealing!

I also met up with a new-old friend. I met her several years ago on my section of the AT. We just never managed to get together during any of my other seasons in the area.

Today, we did it! Michele opened my eyes – and ears – to the challenges of hearing loss, like she is e,experiencing. I sure take my hearing for granted! Listening to the sounds of Nature, and as my friend, Barbara related, not just hearing the birdsongs but deeply listening to them, has been a nourishing delight.


I am going to bed tonight feeling ready for our walk. I’m satisfied with my email delivery setup. It looks like it will work!

In joy

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