We Are One

September 7, 2017

Fires, hurricanes, floods, full moon, sunshine, health challenges, and adventures. Today, I acknowledge that at any moment we can be experiencing any number of physical and emotional events! I offer The Radical Forgiveness Invocation to awaken our sense of unity as spiritual beings having a human experience.

The Radical Forgiveness Invocation, by Crow Dancing 

May we all stand firm

In the knowledge and comfort

That all things are now, have always been, and forever will be in Divine order. read more

Thanks, Louise Hay

August 30, 2017

Louise Hay passed away today. Her work gave language and acceptance to self-love as a path to loving others. It was my sister, Claudia, who first shared Louise’s words with me. I remember taking the cassette tape into bed and listening, with amused astonishment, to that deep, soothing voice enticing me to be grateful for every little thing in my life. At the time, it actually seemed a bit silly to be thankful for the morning light, and for my body’s basic functions, and for water, and breathing. Her visualization of walking to the ocean of abundance to scoop up goodness, asking, “What are you using, a teaspoon?!!” really jarred me. Aghast, I noticed that I was!  read more

High Country Week

Notice and Wonder
August 3, 2017

My Ridgerunning walk this week focused on what’s called the High Country of the Mt Rogers Recreation Area in Virginia.  My first night out on Thursday, I camped at a spot I’ve had my eye on while I walked through there other weeks. It’s on Stone Mountain, just south of “The Scales”, an open, grassy field where cattle ranchers would weigh and sell their cattle before driving them down the mountain. The story goes that they realized that the cattle weighed more before they made the descent to town! Now, The Scales is a favorite car camping spot.  I prefer to walk a mile south on the Appalachian Trail, up Stone Mountain, to camp.  There, the grassy, and bushy bald stretches for a mile with expansive views. The low vegetation is broken by groups of short trees, bonsai-like stands of beech trees, just 5″ in diameter and fifteen feet tall. They create inviting rooms of shade, where the wild ponies can cool off.  I walked away from the trail a couple hundred yards and set up my tarp under a sprawling oak tree in a patch of grass.  In the morning, the view across The Scales and the valley below inspired me to take time to do a quick watercolor sketch of  the distant Wilburn Ridge, where the trail would wind its way south. read more


May 28, 2017

I am grateful to my coaches, mentors, and teachers for helping me create Forgivenesswalks!

Colin and Jo Ann Tipping  radicalforgiveness.com
Ladies Who Launch   Ladieswholaunch.com

Laura West     Center for Joyful Business

Wendy Lippard

Ilona Dolinska-Reiser  Wealth Skills

Thea Sheldon  www.theasheldon.com

Bill Baren  www.billbaren.com

Landmark Forum http://www.landmarkworldwide.com/

Anthony Neal

Ellen Britt    http://pinkcoattails.com/

Marnie Marcus   http://marniemarcus.com/unplugged/marketing-consultant/ read more

Gratitude in Advance

May 17, 2017

Huzzah for speaking up for basic services! My “basic economy” ticket on delta left me with a seat “assigned at the gate”. What an uneasy feeling! At 3:30 am local time I called delta saying, “I really want to know that delta cares about me by assuring me that I have a seat before I get to the gate. What would it take to get that?” “Buy a different ticket next time,” Debbie said. “How about for this flight? Can you tell me if the flight’s overbooked? ” She replied, “No, but I’ll check the seating chart. “Wow!”, I said, “Having a seat would really make a big difference for me! I’m feeling like you really care about me!” Well, she found seats for both flights, and changed my status! I now have seats and a boarding pass! Rachel Rossiter Trabelsi, I was thinking of you as I practiced what you helped me learn during my Introduction Leader Program – affirming my value and being grateful in advance. And, Debbie Unterman Deanna Hohnhorst Colin Tipping for creating the Satori board game that helps me practice the words and feelings of New Stories like “I’m worthy to receive what I need”.  I thanked Debbie, then asked if there was someone I could tell about her service. I assured her supervisor that it really helped me to get that service and will now board the flight believing that delta cares about me. That’s my contribution today toward creating a world of generosity and service. Basic Service. Gratitude in advance. read more


I encourage my heartsingers to know their purpose for walking the Appalachian Trail, or any journey! Here’s a good example of a stated purpose that a woman posted in a women’s hiking group. To me, it seems alive with feeling, possibility, and anticipated transformation.

“I live in GA and hike on the AT every chance I get…thru to the Smokies. Even tho Its training…I cant wait to start at Springer an rock out each and every milestone of the trail and my life. Crying, Smiling Laughing…emptying the baggage thats held me back for so long!! I NEED EVERY STEP of 2189 miles to tear me down and rebuild me, from the soles of my feet to the soul of my heart!!”
I would feel incomplete if I didnt go from start to finish…  read more

Town Food

June 12, 2016
I can’t eat what most hikers eat! Here’s what we bought at Food Lion in Front Royal to rejuvenate and celebrate completing our first hundred miles of this trip.

First, we did step one of our three step Don’t- Buy-Too-Much-In-Town plan: go in and buy something to eat right now and leave the store. We bought and devoured:

A banana
Two peaches
Four apricots
Two apples
23 oz. Coconut water

Then, we took step two: go in and look and talk about what to buy (actually, we skipped this step this time, and went right to step three: buy food for the town stop). read more



May  8, 2016

The Park season is waning and I am feeling contented with the idea of working for Forgiveness Walks this summer. Allowing coaching, offering programs and products to be the real job that I do within a nomadic setting, is becoming something I can say casually, matter-of factly.

Money Matters

What will it take to know myself as someone who confidently requests and receives money in exchange for my coaching? Today, I acknowledge my belief that I’m acting as if these statements are true: “It’s not ok to request payment for hiking consultation because others do it free.” AND “It’s silly to think that hiking coaching could be my real job! Ridgerunning is a real job, nature interpreting is a real job, but coaching while hiking can’t be a real job.” read more

Emotions Become Symptoms


What an interesting occurrence! This morning when I immersed myself in my nonsensory energy through sensory tones and colors, I felt drawn to linger, to truly immerse myself in the security and familiarity of the exercise, the vitality of the colors. Is that a characteristic of being 23 days into this practice?

Or that today I really needed the balance and vibrance? As the day unfolded, I succumbed to uncomfortable physical symptoms of headache and nausea, that got worse at work.

I’ve come to recognize these symptoms as my manifestation of suppressed emotions. I was upset and stuffing the feelings. Although I haven’t mastered the art of avoiding the syndrome, I’m willing to acknowledge the emotional nature of it. This time, I caught on early and rearranged the day to go home and rest. read more