July Walks: No Politics Here

July 16, 2024

I am half way through my month of “walking every day” feeling grateful to myself for setting that intention, noticing that even though I KNOW that walking in Nature always calms me and brings nourishing experiences and feelings, I have to remind myself of that inevitable result to get myself out the door to start my walk.

On my walk this morning, the park seemed like a different world than the one where political drama is seething! I wondered, “Does the blue heron know about this? Does the mother duck need her ducklings to be wary? Are the rhythmic processes of photosynthesis and leaf pigmentation affected by recent events in the political arena?” read more

Thanks, Louise Hay

August 30, 2017

Louise Hay passed away today. Her work gave language and acceptance to self-love as a path to loving others. It was my sister, Claudia, who first shared Louise’s words with me. I remember taking the cassette tape into bed and listening, with amused astonishment, to that deep, soothing voice enticing me to be grateful for every little thing in my life. At the time, it actually seemed a bit silly to be thankful for the morning light, and for my body’s basic functions, and for water, and breathing. Her visualization of walking to the ocean of abundance to scoop up goodness, asking, “What are you using, a teaspoon?!!” really jarred me. Aghast, I noticed that I was!  read more


April 29, 2017

32 more days solo. I accept my body stiff and feeling fat. I stretch, roll, chant, and breathe Life and Love and Ease and Flexibility into my body. I notice that I thought “precious body” and would not write that. 

“I am not my body, but I love and accept the body I have.”

Town Food

June 12, 2016
I can’t eat what most hikers eat! Here’s what we bought at Food Lion in Front Royal to rejuvenate and celebrate completing our first hundred miles of this trip.

First, we did step one of our three step Don’t- Buy-Too-Much-In-Town plan: go in and buy something to eat right now and leave the store. We bought and devoured:

A banana
Two peaches
Four apricots
Two apples
23 oz. Coconut water

Then, we took step two: go in and look and talk about what to buy (actually, we skipped this step this time, and went right to step three: buy food for the town stop). read more

Emotions Become Symptoms


What an interesting occurrence! This morning when I immersed myself in my nonsensory energy through sensory tones and colors, I felt drawn to linger, to truly immerse myself in the security and familiarity of the exercise, the vitality of the colors. Is that a characteristic of being 23 days into this practice?

Or that today I really needed the balance and vibrance? As the day unfolded, I succumbed to uncomfortable physical symptoms of headache and nausea, that got worse at work.

I’ve come to recognize these symptoms as my manifestation of suppressed emotions. I was upset and stuffing the feelings. Although I haven’t mastered the art of avoiding the syndrome, I’m willing to acknowledge the emotional nature of it. This time, I caught on early and rearranged the day to go home and rest. read more


Do you make plans, then have backup plans, or fallback plans, none of which seem like what you REALLY want to be doing? The source of the plans are from a list of thinhs I already know are possible because they are already being done, either by me or someone else. I lived like that for decades. I was really good at accommodating, always making the best of my life, willing myself to be content with the life I knew was possible. I believed that what I really wanted, the intimate partnership I desired, the lifestyle and purpose I saw others living that enticed me, were unavailable to me. I resigned myself to accepting what I had, acknowledging that it was the best that I COULD have. read more


I lovingly embrace ALL my life experiences with ease and joy.

Even the scary ones! Even the ones that invite me to allow one certain man to love me and know what I ‘m thinking and  feeling. Even the ones that mean sharing, sharing, sharing (oh my! this is so hard for me and I don’t know why, oh wait, I do know why, it’s because I might make a mistake and someone could be uncomfortable and judge me for being greedy when really they’re seeing themsleves in me because they want to be brave and share what Spirit sings in them…….) read more


Here’s what I’m taking into my NonSenses Immersion today: I embrace all my life’s experiences with confidence and joy. Where did that come from? Louise Hay’s list of affirmations. My arm has been hurting for a while and her view suggests that’d a sign of resistance to receiving. Interesting!

Another suggestion that receptivity may be a challenge for me was my reaction to watching Milana Leshinski’s invitation to join her Joint Venture Insider’s Circle. “It wouldn’t work for ME! I’m too different. My idea doesn’t fit.” read more